Website localization and translation

When we apply the process of localization to our translations, the quality of those is immediately improved. Localization is a term used to describe the process of translating documents in a way that they are consistent and make sense for the target market by taking into consideration local language, cultural and legal differences. Doing business and being able to communicate in foreign languages is fundamental for a company wanting to have international presence.

A company’s success is not only determined by its technology, solutions, services, or costs; nowadays, success is closely related to the ability of the companies to connect with their potential clients in the language they use and to the ability to convey a message in the mother tongue of the target market as if it was a domestic company. Webpages are some of the most important tools that a company has to market a product because, more often than not, these are the first mean of contact and reference for a potential client. This is where the importance of having your webpage translated in a way that it reliably reflects the image you want to convey lies.


What are the advantages of localization?

  • Overcomes cultural and language barriers. If the content of you page is in only one language, you are then losing 80% of your potential market.

  • Builds credibility. In Mexico, we rarely eat “peanut butter sandwiches”, we rather eat “toast with jam and butter”, the same thing happens in other languages and countries. When we see information that does not sound natural, our brain processes the information to try to figure out what is meant or it relates it to an equivalent that is more familiar to us. Undoubtedly, this makes us feel, as costumers, that the company doesn’t care about our needs, culture or traditions. Localization shows that your company is interested on making its customers feel “at home” within an international playing flied.

  • Boosts your company’s profitability. Thousands of dollars of potential profits are lost each year due to a lack of investment in website localization. It is more likely that a potential customer closes a good deal with your company if he feels understood and if he understands your business, products and services.